Golf Club Distance Charts: Estimated Distances for Men, Women, Juniors, and Seniors
Find out your estimated golf club distances in yards and meters.
by Jake Tingey & Judd Lyon · Updated: 6/12/23

Effective golfing requires a combination of skill, practice, and using the right equipment. Regardless of your level of experience, knowing the distance you can cover with each golf club is crucial to performing well on the course. This comprehensive golf club distance chart is designed for men, women, senior, and junior golfers at every skill level. With accurate estimates for beginner, advanced, and pro players, you can perfect your swing and improve your game. Keep reading to find out how far you can hit each club and learn tips for maximizing your performance on the course.
Estimated Golf Club Distances for Men Golfers
Golf Club | Driver | 3-Wood | 5-Wood | 4-Iron | 5-Iron | 6-Iron | 7-Iron | 8-Iron | 9-Iron | Pitching Wedge | Sand Wedge | Lob Wedge |
Beginner Distance (yards) | 180-220 | 130-160 | 110-140 | 90-120 | 80-110 | 70-100 | 60-90 | 50-80 | 40-70 | 30-60 | 20-50 | 10-40 |
Beginner Distance (meters) | 165-201 | 119-146 | 101-128 | 82-110 | 73-101 | 64-91 | 55-82 | 46-73 | 37-64 | 28-55 | 18-46 | 9-37 |
Advanced Distance (yards) | 230-260 | 170-200 | 150-180 | 130-160 | 120-150 | 110-140 | 100-130 | 90-120 | 80-110 | 70-100 | 50-80 | 30-60 |
Advanced Distance (meters) | 210-238 | 155-183 | 137-165 | 119-146 | 110-137 | 101-128 | 91-119 | 82-110 | 73-101 | 64-91 | 46-73 | 28-55 |
Pro Distance (yards) | 270+ | 220+ | 200+ | 180+ | 170+ | 160+ | 150+ | 140+ | 130+ | 120+ | 110+ | 90+ |
Pro Distance (meters) | 247+ | 201+ | 183+ | 165+ | 155+ | 146+ | 137+ | 128+ | 119+ | 110+ | 101+ | 82+ |
Estimated Golf Club Distances for Women Golfers
Golf Club | Driver | 3-Wood | 5-Wood | 4-Iron | 5-Iron | 6-Iron | 7-Iron | 8-Iron | 9-Iron | Pitching Wedge | Sand Wedge | Lob Wedge |
Beginner Distance (yards) | 100-140 | 70-100 | 60-90 | 50-80 | 40-70 | 30-60 | 25-55 | 20-50 | 15-45 | 10-40 | 5-30 | 5-20 |
Beginner Distance (meters) | 91-128 | 64-91 | 55-82 | 46-73 | 37-64 | 28-55 | 23-50 | 18-46 | 14-41 | 9-37 | 5-27 | 5-18 |
Advanced Distance (yards) | 150-180 | 110-140 | 100-130 | 90-120 | 80-110 | 70-100 | 60-90 | 50-80 | 40-70 | 30-60 | 20-50 | 10-30 |
Advanced Distance (meters) | 137-165 | 101-128 | 91-119 | 82-110 | 73-101 | 64-91 | 55-82 | 46-73 | 37-64 | 28-55 | 18-46 | 9-27 |
Pro Distance (yards) | 200+ | 170+ | 150+ | 140+ | 130+ | 120+ | 110+ | 100+ | 90+ | 80+ | 60+ | 40+ |
Pro Distance (meters) | 183+ | 155+ | 137+ | 128+ | 119+ | 110+ | 101+ | 91+ | 82+ | 73+ | 55+ | 37+ |
Estimated Golf Club Distances for Junior Golfers
Golf Club | Driver | 3-Wood | 5-Wood | 4-Iron | 5-Iron | 6-Iron | 7-Iron | 8-Iron | 9-Iron | Pitching Wedge | Sand Wedge | Lob Wedge |
Distance (yards) | 90-150 | 60-110 | 50-90 | 40-70 | 30-60 | 25-50 | 20-45 | 15-40 | 10-35 | 5-30 | 5-25 | 5-20 |
Distance (meters) | 82-137 | 55-101 | 46-82 | 37-64 | 28-55 | 23-46 | 18-41 | 14-37 | 9-32 | 5-27 | 5-23 | 5-18 |
Estimated Golf Club Distances for Senior Golfers
Golf Club | Driver | 3-Wood | 5-Wood | 4-Iron | 5-Iron | 6-Iron | 7-Iron | 8-Iron | 9-Iron | Pitching Wedge | Sand Wedge | Lob Wedge |
Distance (yards) | 140-170 | 100-130 | 80-110 | 70-100 | 60-90 | 50-80 | 40-70 | 30-60 | 20-50 | 10-40 | 5-30 | 5-20 |
Distance (meters) | 128-155 | 91-119 | 73-101 | 64-91 | 55-82 | 46-73 | 37-64 | 28-55 | 18-46 | 9-37 | 5-27 | 5-18 |
It's important to note that the golf club distances presented in these tables are estimates and may vary depending on a variety of factors, including your swing speed, ball type, course conditions, and weather conditions. Additionally, every golfer has their unique playing style, and what works best for one player may not work for another. It's essential to experiment with different clubs and swing techniques to determine what works best for you. Lastly, keep in mind that these tables are designed to provide a rough estimate of golf club distances, and the best way to improve your game is to practice and play regularly. Use these tables as a guide to help you optimize your game, but remember that the key to success is dedication and hard work.